Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Another Worthless Public Offical Take 2

Man, does the Governor of South Carolina sound like an idiot, or what? Numerous encounters with women while he was out of the country on trips to "blow off steam," until he finally has a full blown affair. Oh, and he states that he visited her only "once" on the public's dime, and NOW (after he admits the affair) says that he will reimburse the taxpayers for their generosity. Gosh, thanks Guv for being such a stand up guy!

I know my last few postings have been about this b.s. but it just keeps coming to light so I keep commenting about it.

Oh, and I love how every politician that gets busted has a "come to Jesus" (always in public so we can see how sincere they are) meeting where they state how holy they are now, and God has forgiven them and we should also.

Umm, no. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

My best part of the story? Where this jackass keeps asking his wife to visit his mistress! I freakin' love how incredibly stupid this guy truly is. I don't know of any wife who would agree to meet the girl her husband has been sleeping with.

Why, oh why, do we keep electing such trash to public office?

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