Thursday, July 9, 2009

My New Career Choice?

This is not a bad idea! I have been approached (as most of us have) by panhandlers and depending on my mood, the time of day, the lunar cycle, etc I may give them some money. Although honestly, I am much more inclined to give money to the street musicians, since they are providing some moments of entertainment. I have a bunch of shirts and ties gathering dust, so I may as well put them to good use!

Just kidding, the Good Lord willing and the creek don't rise, I won't find myself in this predicament anytime soon. I have watched shows on TV where they interview the homeless and yes, some did it to themselves with alcohol or drugs, but sometimes life just hits a person particularly hard (abuse, unanticipated death of a loved one, etc) and they have a very hard time dealing with it. So they move out, lose their job, whatever, and end up as just another statistic.

I guess not all of them use the money to buy alcohol or drugs, huh?

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