Friday, July 24, 2009

Obama's (Sort Of) Apology

Well, I guess Obama has rethought his comment about calling the actions of the cop "stupid." Of course, he has not really apologized, which tells me that he stills thinks the action was "wrong." And I guarantee that the ONLY reason Obama is half-ass saying he was wrong in his choice of words is to avoid the bad publicity he is getting.

I love how he is (and everyone else) still states that the incident is about "race." Last time I checked, it was about law and order. The cop had every right in the world to do what he did, had old Prof No-Job obeyed the cop, none of this would have been an issue.

Good old Obama: backing another worthless jack ass (anyone remember Rev Wright, the same guy who said God DAMN America and was Obama's spiritual advisor) until it becomes a politically untenable position.

Your first instinct is usually your truest response and Obama's response should tell us all what kind of man he truly is.

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