Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Tale of Two Car Manufactures

As I have mentioned before, I am not a Japanese car basher, and I have a hard time determining an "American" car, so reading that Toyota is no longer profitable in North America is not a good sign. There is a Toyota Tech Center in Ann Arbor, MI, a stone's throw from Detroit, which employs Michigan residents, as well as manufacturing sites and dealerships throughout the US all giving employment to Americans so their financial troubles will hit home. Hopefully, Toyota will not pull out of their North American operations. Not only will this be an economic hit for the various communities, but a public relations nightmare for Toyota.

On the other hand, it is nice to see Ford has top billing in quality, beating out both their cross-town rivals and Toyota, Honda, BMW, etc. Nice work, now see if you can capitalize on it, would ya?

At least my Ford stock may be worth something after all....

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