Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Body Mass Index (BMI)

So, I read on NPR's web site the top 10 reasons why the formula used to determine a person's BMI is crap. I used the formula and found out I am overweight, and with just a slight nudge could fall into the obese category. This is where I throw the penalty flag, 15 yards for excessive BS!

This formula is similar to the formula (neck/waist measurement bounced against your height) that was used to determine body fat while I was in the Navy, which was another crock of "you know what." If you had a big fat neck and a big fat waist, you had a better chance of "beating" the system then someone who had a small neck and mid-size waist. Since your body fat was tied to your promotion opportunity, you can see how this can have an impact on someone's life. Every time I had to have my body fat measured, I thanked the Good Lord that I was "blessed" with good genes and did not have to go to the extremes that I saw others go through in order to meet the criteria.

If life was not hard enough as it is, now anyone who uses this method to determine how good a shape they are could really start to feel bad about themselves.
Yeah, I would have to agree with NPR'sr reasoning. Time to move on

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