Friday, July 17, 2009

The Kindle and Amazon

I don't know if any of you had any intention of buying a Kindle, the e-book reader from Amazon. I have read quite a bit, both pro and con, about the device. The cost is pretty high, about $300, and you still have to pay for the books, albeit at a lower cost so I guess eventually it would pay for itself.

I had decided that I was not going to buy one, for a couple of reasons; 1) Cost. $300 buys me a lot of paperbacks. 2) It is a fragile electronic device, and tossing it into my laptop bag or luggage like I do a "real" book would scare me to death. Finally, 3) there is a lot to be said for falling asleep with a paperback and not worrying if it falls off my chest!.

However, there are some good reasons to buy one (storing 1500 books on one device, and wirelessly streaming your new purchases to the Kindle is kinda cool.

Now, however, there may be a far more important reason to not buy the Kindle: Amazon deleted legitimately purchased copies of several books because the publisher decided that they did not want to publish electronic versions of the book! Like the author of the article says, he never has to worry about a bookstore coming to his house to take back copies of books he bought. Granted, Amazon refunded the money, but how pissed would you be if you were half-way through the book???

Sorry, I guess I will stay "old-school" when it comes to my reading...

1 comment:

Penny said...

There are many reasons why I would not like a Kindle; 1)I would miss licking my fingers to turn the pages, 2)I would not be able to use my handmade bookmark 3) I couldn't dog ear my favorite pages.