Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Snail Mail going bye bye?

I read this story about the United States Postal Service's financial woes and started really paying attention to the mail I receive. And it is true, I get very little "important" mail via the post office anymore. Most of my bills come electronically (and I pay them electronically as well,) and I don't write letters (not that I did much of that anyway since no one except my immediate family could read my chicken scratch) anymore since I used email exclusively.

Faced with a $6 billion (yeah with a "B") deficit, the USPS is using a hiring freeze, early retirements, consolidating routes and even considering dropping Saturday delivery to try and bridge the gap.

Unfortunately, I do not see this situation getting any better for the Postal Service. I have no intention of changing the way I receive and pay bills, and I highly doubt I will ever write a "letter" again. The telegraph replaced the pony express, the telephone replaced (umm not sure, but I am sure it replaced something!) and the car replaced the stage coach driver.

Adapt or die...

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