Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Obama's Health Care Plan

There are some legitimate reasons for discussing universal health care for the citizens of the US, but can we fix the freakin' economy first, Prez? Anyone who has a job is half-worried they are going to lose it, and anyone who does not have a job is too busy scrambling to find one to think about UHC for the rest of the country.

Plus, it will undoubtedly add to our tax burden which should give anyone pause before jumping on the bandwagon. In addition, I always get worried when politicians try to ram anything down our throats before we have a chance to openly discuss (think Patriot Act) it. Makes me think the slippery SOBs are working their hidden agendas... And lets face it, there are ALWAYS hidden agendas.

So it is nice to see that Congress is pushing back on Obama's plan. Get the economy pumping again, then we will be in a much better mood to discuss such sweeping changes.

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