Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Worker Cuts Off Finger, Eats It

Man, talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face....

Worker Cuts Off Finger, Eats It, To Protest Unpaid Wages

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine Flu Public Service Announcement

For those of us old enough to remember the 70's swine flu scare, here is a trip down memory lane...

Swine Flu Public Service Announcement

Cool Video Link

If you get a chance, check out the video at the link below. I would suggest reading the post first to understand how the video was created. Pretty cool when you see the final product.

Best Video I've Seen Today

Monday, April 27, 2009

Cruise ship fends off pirate attack

In case you missed it, an Italian cruise ship fended off a pirate attack by using a private Israeli security force. Sweet!

However, I get very disturbed when I read comments from supposed "experts" who state that the "use of weapons ... could make things worse in the pirate infested waters...where ONE HUNDRED (emphasis mine) ships were attacked last year." Oh, just a 100? In that case, no problem. That is no reason to try and stop this activity, or at the very least, make it uncomfortable (or deadly yeah, Navy SEALS) for them.

Huh? At what point do you give up your right to defend yourself and your passengers for fear of upsetting the bad guys? How would you like to be one of the cruise ship passengers who would have been kidnapped? That is precisely the attitude that has led to this situation. Don't upset the bad guys, it will only make it unpleasant for them. Lay down and take the abuse, we don't want to make it worse. News flash, it is getting worse.

And here is a shocker! NONE of the "experts" who advocate those thoughts are sailors (or passengers) on ships that routinely sail those waters. Just a guess, but if the jack ass who made the above statement was held for months (which some have) with all of the mental anguish on both him and his family, I would bet that he would have a totally different opinion of this issue.

Probable Swine Flu in Michigan

It's (probably) here.... Probable Swine Flu Reported In Mich

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

UK Government paying to trade in old cars

I know it is popular to beat up on the Detroit 3 right now, and some of it is deserving. However, you can not lay the blame for poor management decisions, labor costs, etc all at the feet of Big 3 and state categorically that if they were to design cars people want, bring their costs in line with their competitors, slash brands and so forth then all of their problems will magically disappear.

As I wrote earlier, Toyota, the darling of the press, was seeking financial assistance from the Japanese government and it looks like the European car manufactures are using similar methods to help boost their sales. Although this particular article is about the United Kingdom, if you read the article it states that several European governments, "most notably Germany"(huh? Mercedes, BMW, Audi, VW by all standards very good cars need help in these bad economic times) have initiated programs to get people buying cars again. Read the article here: Government to launch old-for new vehicle scrap scheme

I can not help but wonder if all of the bad press Detroit (most notably GM and Chrysler since Ford appears to be ahead of the game) gets is more about our lack of political power in Washington due to several factors, and less about the quality of their automobiles...

Just a thought

Record Texting Attempt

Wow, neither one of these two individuals live with my sister or brother-in-law! So count your blessings you two! I think the best thing I read about in this article is the bill that one of them got from T-Mobile, $26,000!. Sweet! I guess you should check your service agreement a little more closely...

Worst Foreclosure Rates

With all of the bad news in Detroit/Michigan, I was very surprised to see that neither Detroit nor Michigan is on this list of the top four states/cities. I guess that serves as "good news" for those of us in the "D." However, we still have the highest unemployment in the country so take it for what it is worth!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Stripping, the new "going postal"

Wow, I never thought being a stripper could be so dangerous! This is a Jerry Springer/Maury Povich episode just waiting to happen! Police say novice stripper attacked by shoe-wielding rival

ATM Skimmers

I know this is not really something I normally talk about, but it is important. I know a couple of people who have had their ATM cards "stolen" so I thought I would link to this article from The article has a link to a PDF copy of a PowerPoint presentation that shows some of the ways thieves get your card information. It is pretty scary how easy it is. Knock on wood, I have not had anyone get my ATM info, but it could easily be done.

Read more about it here: How to Spot an ATM skimmer.

Monday, April 20, 2009


I have already given my opinion of this guy once, but it is nice to know it is not just me. Read more here: Biden's List of Political Blunders

If this had been George W. Bush, his gaffes would have been on the front page of every newspaper...

Waterboarding Used on 9/11 Mastermind

The CIA used the waterboarding technique on the 9/11 mastermind 183 times, none of which killed him. However, his attacks killed 2,974 people. Let's do the math, shall we?

If we go one for one, they still need to "drown" his sorry butt another 2791 times. If we want to be nice about and use a ratio, that is only once for every 16.25 people he killed.

I think the son of a bitch got off easy.

Detroit Lions new look

Well, if you can't make money by selling tickets for a perennial losing team, you may as well change the logo so people will go out an buy the new look...

Gosh, I wish they would have saved the money they spent on the new look to buy a quarterback...

Friday, April 17, 2009

Golfing Video

You don't have to be a golfer to find this video kinda funny... (thanks Bob!)

US not prosecuting for "torture"

Oh, what a shock! The world is upset that Obama is not going to prosecute those accused of "torture." I don't think you can compare "waterboarding," sleep deprivation, etc to torture. Last time I checked we did not electrocute people, cut off various body parts, kill their family members in front of you, etc etc to get you to talk.

Like I wrote in a previous entry I don't think you can ask the terrorists "please. pretty please with sugar on top, will you tell us when you plan to kill us next?" The type of persuasion techniques used by the CIA are not anywhere near as gruesome as what Saddam (nor any of the same) have perpetrated on their own people.

Oh, and one other thought: I wonder where all of the groups ((including the Europeans) were during the Saddam killing regime...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

US Government faces veteran anger

Wow, if you get a chance read this story: US Government faces veteran anger at extremism report

How can they have the nerve to stereotype returning veterans as potential right wing extremists simply because Timothy McVeigh was ex-Army? If you have not been following this story, stuff like this is popping up all the time with the Homeland Security Department's concerns with militia movements (only since Obama took office by the way) including the Missouri Department of Public Safety looking for cars with (former Independent and Republican) Ron Paul for President stickers on them.

Umm, the last time we had this kind of paranoia in the White House, we burned 80 plus people to death in Waco, Texas for a sawed off shotgun charge.

Bush may have overstepped his bound with the Patriot Act, but at least he did it over concerns from foreign terrorists attacking the US again, not returning service men and women as well as people who favor small government and balanced budgets...

I in no way support a militia movement that seeks to overthrow our elected officials (last time I checked that is what we have ELECTIONS for) but I do get concerned when our civil liberties get trampled on, by either the right or the left in the name of "protection" from what ever bogeyman they want to dream up.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jr ROTC program

In San Francisco (where else?) they are trying to get rid of the Jr. ROTC (Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps) program in high school citing "recruitment concerns and the military's policy towards gays." First off, before I go any further let me mention that this program is OPTIONAL for high school students so not one of their precious little tax deductions are forced to enroll in the program.

This annoys me on several levels. First, the military does not have a policy towards gays, the US Congress does. They write the Uniform Code of Military Justice and the military enforces it. This is like pissing an moaning at the cop that gave you a speeding ticket. He/she did not decide the speed limit, they are merely enforcing the law. You don't like it, change the law.

Second, the course teaches basic citizenship and how to get along with your fellow student. There is nothing wrong with instructing someone on how to work as a team and to honor and respect your fellow students. I am at a loss as to how this can be perceived as a bad thing. This whole issue is politically motivated and to use children in this manner is morally reprehensible.

My favorite part of the the article is this; "opponents... say educating students should remain a role for civilians, and not for retired members of the armed forces." Umm, they ARE civilians dumb ass, and with California 49th or 50th (despite a gazillion dollars in taxes) in school ranking, I would say they have not done a very good job thus far and could use all the help they can get!

Court fines Mom for calling son too much

Man, I don't know what is worse, the fact that Mom placed that many calls to her son (cut the apron strings) or the fact that her lousy son took his OWN mother to court! At least it lets us know that the US is not the only place for incredibly stupid lawsuits. Court fines mother for phoning son

Monday, April 13, 2009

Conficker Check

Here is a great article I ran across that illustrates a very simple test to determine if your computer has been infected by the Conficker virus: Read about it here


This is a very good first step toward normalizing relations with Cuba. The past policy did nothing to unseat Fidel Castro, and only served to harden the Cuban people's will. We fought a war with Vietnam, and have normalized relations with that country. It is time to move on, and realize that the previous policy has not worked.

In fact, I think had we allowed trade, travel, etc with Cuba then that the country would have changed course some time ago. People need to get a glimpse of a better life in order to "demand" it from their government. Isolating them does little more then reinforce what their totalitarian government says. If you live in a dark closet all of your life, then darkness seems normal. Only when you get a glimpse of daylight do you start to understand how much better things could be.

Plus they make great cigars and rum...

Just my two pennies worth

Where Heroes Come From

Very cool article from Bob Greene at CNN. Although I served for 24 years in the US Navy, I wish he had not limited the article to just Navy SEALS. I know a hell of a lot of very dedicated men and women in ALL branches of the service who deserve this kind of praise.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

John Rich, Country singer

My daughter finally got me to listen to John Rich's song, "Shuttin Detroit Down." I am not a huge country music fan, but it is a pretty good song and has a great message. I do like what he has to say on Foxnews. com as well. It is always popular in the media to state America is in a downward spiral from which it will never recover, so the future belongs to (insert Asian country of your choice here.)

And yet the country always seems to recover from whatever calamity that is supposed to contribute to its demise...

Read his comments here: John Rich Sounds Off


I hope this story ends well with the Captain of the ship being released unharmed. But I do like the fact that the crew did not stand by, and instead fought back and re-took their ship. That is pretty cool.

Nice shooting, Navy SEALS! Taking out three pirates from the rolling and pitching deck of a U.S. Navy destroyer!

Dad hammer's teen's cell

Yeah, I can't say as I blame him. I had heard this same situation (not at this cost!) happen with my brother-in-law and sister's kid, but I thought that was an isolated incident. Guess not. And all of this happened while she was at school, you know, not studying... Read the story here: Dad hammers Wyo teen's phone

Monday, April 6, 2009

Michigan's First Medical Marijuana Applicant

Well, Michigan had its first individual apply for the permit to use medical marijuana. If the use of marijuana helps alleviate a person's suffering, then I am all for it. As the old saying goes: Man made beer, God made marijuana, who do you trust more?

However, the law does not specify how that person is to obtain the drug, just that the state will have no part in the distribution. The people are usually too ill to drive to the local drug pusher, so someone will have to buy 2.5 ounces at at time and deliver it to their home. Kinda like a "meals on wheels" operation. I smell a business opportunity in the making...

nah, just kidding. I don't think you could mark it up enough to cover the cost of gas, your time, etc...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Funny Video (audio) clip

EMBED-Dumb Woman Locked in Her Car 911 Call - Watch more free videos

Runaway scooter

Oh, man, you just can not make this kind of story up....Runaway scooter carries off woman

Nerf Gun

I want one, I want one bad!

Gun Control

This is a horrible story and one that is becoming all to familiar in both the US and the rest of the world. However, I bet that gun control advocates will use this as another reason to institute stricter regulations. I tend to think in the opposite direction. If any of the victims were allowed to carry a pistol they would have had the opportunity to fight back, especially since it took the police 39 (yep, THIRTY NINE) minutes to secure the scene.

I think with that kind of a response time, I will take my chances with my own pistol..


Granted, this happened in England but it could just have easily happened in the US. Kids get lessons in swearing

How about they stick to teaching them, oh, I don't know, how to add, subtract, divide, multiply...