Monday, April 13, 2009


This is a very good first step toward normalizing relations with Cuba. The past policy did nothing to unseat Fidel Castro, and only served to harden the Cuban people's will. We fought a war with Vietnam, and have normalized relations with that country. It is time to move on, and realize that the previous policy has not worked.

In fact, I think had we allowed trade, travel, etc with Cuba then that the country would have changed course some time ago. People need to get a glimpse of a better life in order to "demand" it from their government. Isolating them does little more then reinforce what their totalitarian government says. If you live in a dark closet all of your life, then darkness seems normal. Only when you get a glimpse of daylight do you start to understand how much better things could be.

Plus they make great cigars and rum...

Just my two pennies worth

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