Friday, April 17, 2009

US not prosecuting for "torture"

Oh, what a shock! The world is upset that Obama is not going to prosecute those accused of "torture." I don't think you can compare "waterboarding," sleep deprivation, etc to torture. Last time I checked we did not electrocute people, cut off various body parts, kill their family members in front of you, etc etc to get you to talk.

Like I wrote in a previous entry I don't think you can ask the terrorists "please. pretty please with sugar on top, will you tell us when you plan to kill us next?" The type of persuasion techniques used by the CIA are not anywhere near as gruesome as what Saddam (nor any of the same) have perpetrated on their own people.

Oh, and one other thought: I wonder where all of the groups ((including the Europeans) were during the Saddam killing regime...

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