Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jr ROTC program

In San Francisco (where else?) they are trying to get rid of the Jr. ROTC (Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps) program in high school citing "recruitment concerns and the military's policy towards gays." First off, before I go any further let me mention that this program is OPTIONAL for high school students so not one of their precious little tax deductions are forced to enroll in the program.

This annoys me on several levels. First, the military does not have a policy towards gays, the US Congress does. They write the Uniform Code of Military Justice and the military enforces it. This is like pissing an moaning at the cop that gave you a speeding ticket. He/she did not decide the speed limit, they are merely enforcing the law. You don't like it, change the law.

Second, the course teaches basic citizenship and how to get along with your fellow student. There is nothing wrong with instructing someone on how to work as a team and to honor and respect your fellow students. I am at a loss as to how this can be perceived as a bad thing. This whole issue is politically motivated and to use children in this manner is morally reprehensible.

My favorite part of the the article is this; "opponents... say educating students should remain a role for civilians, and not for retired members of the armed forces." Umm, they ARE civilians dumb ass, and with California 49th or 50th (despite a gazillion dollars in taxes) in school ranking, I would say they have not done a very good job thus far and could use all the help they can get!


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