Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dad hammer's teen's cell

Yeah, I can't say as I blame him. I had heard this same situation (not at this cost!) happen with my brother-in-law and sister's kid, but I thought that was an isolated incident. Guess not. And all of this happened while she was at school, you know, not studying... Read the story here: Dad hammers Wyo teen's phone


Anonymous said...

I remember about this every time I see my son's cell bill and he tells me its all for school. Yea right. I know better. he's sending tets to his friends and some random girls all day long (and at night).

Bob said...

Good luck with all that!

Anonymous said...

Schools need to crack down on cell phone usage in the classrooms. How did we communicate with our friends in school? We sent notes back and forth hoping we would not get caught and the teacher reading the note out loud.

Bob said...

Ha Ha, that is a great point. At least it did not cost our parents any money!