Monday, April 27, 2009

Cruise ship fends off pirate attack

In case you missed it, an Italian cruise ship fended off a pirate attack by using a private Israeli security force. Sweet!

However, I get very disturbed when I read comments from supposed "experts" who state that the "use of weapons ... could make things worse in the pirate infested waters...where ONE HUNDRED (emphasis mine) ships were attacked last year." Oh, just a 100? In that case, no problem. That is no reason to try and stop this activity, or at the very least, make it uncomfortable (or deadly yeah, Navy SEALS) for them.

Huh? At what point do you give up your right to defend yourself and your passengers for fear of upsetting the bad guys? How would you like to be one of the cruise ship passengers who would have been kidnapped? That is precisely the attitude that has led to this situation. Don't upset the bad guys, it will only make it unpleasant for them. Lay down and take the abuse, we don't want to make it worse. News flash, it is getting worse.

And here is a shocker! NONE of the "experts" who advocate those thoughts are sailors (or passengers) on ships that routinely sail those waters. Just a guess, but if the jack ass who made the above statement was held for months (which some have) with all of the mental anguish on both him and his family, I would bet that he would have a totally different opinion of this issue.


Anonymous said...

I tried, but I cannot said it better myself.

Bob said...

Thanks for the compliment!