Thursday, April 16, 2009

US Government faces veteran anger

Wow, if you get a chance read this story: US Government faces veteran anger at extremism report

How can they have the nerve to stereotype returning veterans as potential right wing extremists simply because Timothy McVeigh was ex-Army? If you have not been following this story, stuff like this is popping up all the time with the Homeland Security Department's concerns with militia movements (only since Obama took office by the way) including the Missouri Department of Public Safety looking for cars with (former Independent and Republican) Ron Paul for President stickers on them.

Umm, the last time we had this kind of paranoia in the White House, we burned 80 plus people to death in Waco, Texas for a sawed off shotgun charge.

Bush may have overstepped his bound with the Patriot Act, but at least he did it over concerns from foreign terrorists attacking the US again, not returning service men and women as well as people who favor small government and balanced budgets...

I in no way support a militia movement that seeks to overthrow our elected officials (last time I checked that is what we have ELECTIONS for) but I do get concerned when our civil liberties get trampled on, by either the right or the left in the name of "protection" from what ever bogeyman they want to dream up.

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