Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Biden's Comments about the economy

Biden states that the economy is tougher then FDR's (huh? 25% unemployment vs 10%, the majority of the people losing their homes now [at least at the onset of this recession,] should not have been able to buy them in the first place, etc) I would agree that it is bad out there (especially here in good old Detroit) but I don't think it is Great Depression bad. But my favorite part of Biden's speech is this" Congress's approval rating has DOUBLED (emphasis mine) since the Democrats are in office... because they took action.

Put down the crack pipe, Biden. Going from an approval rating of 1% to 2% (with a margin of error of 3%) is not something to cheer about. Besides, you (and the rest of Congress) pissed away a lot of my money, so it will be a LONG time before I approve of anything you people do

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like he needs to have his wife give him a math lesson. HAHAHA.