Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What an arrogant attitude

The condescending attitude displayed in this story is unbelievable. From comments like "a mob can be useful in driving a political movement" and the partnerships between AIG and the government must "proceed 'despite anger and outrage' over the bonuses." Plus they feel we can be "distracted by other events in the coming days."

What a bunch of crap! I don't believe that our employees in Washington 'get it." No one is helping me (or anyone I know) with a bail out. And they sure as he*l are not giving me a $1 million bonus for screwing up. This is not capitalism, where inefficiencies are driving out by market competition, but socialism where governments (again my money) prop up failing businesses because they think it might "hurt" our overall economy. There are banks and other financial institutions that did not conduct business so recklessly that are not getting handouts. They should be rewarded with a larger share of the market, and the others should be on the unemployment line.

Fire them all!


Anonymous said...

When is it going to make sense to them?? You can take the trash out to the curb, but you still gotta bring the cans in.

Bob said...

That is a great analogy!