Monday, August 3, 2009

"Sin Bins" in the UK

Wow, this should scare everyone. The UK wants to put parents under 24 hour CCTV (Closed Circuit TV)to make sure their children go to school, to bed, and eat right! In addition, "private security guards will be sent around to carry out home checks!" Granted, most of the families that are in this situation are there for a reason, but come on, where does it stop?

Big Brother would be so proud!

Oh, and by the way it is only costing the taxpayers of Britain a potential total of 400 million pounds! I don't know what that is in US dollars, but 400 million of anything is an obscene amount.

Scary, just scary!

1 comment:

Penny said...

400 million pounds! I wonder how much it will cost Britain to replace the broken cameras?