Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Gotta Love This Headline

Man carries assault rifle to Obama protest-and its LEGAL (emphasis mine.)

Wow, a person exercises their constitutional rights, and it's huge news! Yes, you are entitled to carry a weapon openly in numerous states, including good old Michigan!

Thank goodness there are people willing to do this to prove a point. I doubt I would ever carry a weapon openly because I do not believe most police officers know I am legally allowed to do it, and I would not want to get shot by some trigger-happy (and many cops have good reason to be) police officer.

Anyway, good for him. And I love the emphasis on "assault rifle," since I don't think most liberal reporters would know the difference between an "assault rife (able to fire on full auto which is illegal to own by the way) and a semi-automatic (one trigger pull, one bullet) which is perfectly legal and is what most hunting rifles are.

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