Monday, August 10, 2009

The White House: The New Gestapo?

Have you been following the request from the Obama White House to send any "fishy" information, INCLUDING EMAILS (emphasis mine) critical of the health care reform to So, let me get this straight. If I disagree with the health care reform bill, and list my reasons in an email to my neighbor, they should forward this to Obama?

Critics are stating that this is the exact same thing the Nixon administration did when it kept its "enemies list." The White House has stated that they are only collecting the information so they can provide data to counter the argument and will not keep a record of the names.

Here is one problem: The Privacy Act of 1974 (passed after the Nixon list came out) forbids any government agency from collecting information on a person who is exercising their First Amendment right to free speech. Here is another problem: the government is required to keep any correspondence it receives.

So collecting the information is illegal, and deleting the information is illegal.

I have stated in numerous postings that this administration is starting to scare me...

p.s. running the servers required to store the information costs money!!!! So I have to PAY to have the White House spy on me!

Friggin' nice, huh?

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