Monday, August 31, 2009

Greenpeace's Take on Ted Kennedy

I really don’t like “Limousine Liberals”

Lockerbie Bomber

It is ALWAYS about the oil…

Read it here: Lockerbie Bomber used as bargaining chip

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Good News!!!

This was really cool. A woman walked into a California police station and said she was a girl that was kidnapped in 1991! It just frickin' sucks that any kids are kidnapped, but all too often it ends in tragedy, so it is nice to see a happy ending!

The parents have got to be freaked out! After 18 years, it would be hard to keep the faith...


Cheating husband wears a sign

Yeah, this guy is an idiot. I hope the chick was worth it

UN wants to teach children to masturbate

I swear, I am not making this up! The UN wants to teach children as young as FIVE to learn how to masturbate! This is dumb on so many levels, and a sign of why the UN is pretty much a waste of an organization.

1: What a misuse of funds
2: I think the kids will figure this out on their own. Millions of people throughout history have learned it without the help of a quasi-government agency...

Stupid, just plain stupid

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Robber's Duh! Moment

Yeah, this guy is pretty dumb! He used spray paint to conceal his identity, then had trouble breathing and died!

At least he he will save the taxpayers the cost of the trial!

Darwin is alive and well...

Microsoft's Duh! Moment

Man, this is too funny. Microsoft photoshoped a picture on its Polish website, replace a black man's head with a white man's head! That is stupid enough, but the best part? They forgot to photoshop his hand!

How did they get to be the largest computer/IT/high tech company in the world?

I smell a job opening...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pot Smokers Having Trouble in Bed

This Australian study said dope smokers may be cheating themselves from a sexual "high." This is probably a good thing, since I would hate to see heavy users breed anyway...

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Viagra Effect

Man, the government (any government) could figure out a way to ruin everything! My favorite line in the story? "And the marked preference is for women aged 30 years younger."


Read the story here: Viagra effect undermining Brazil's pension system.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Texas' Finest (not)

Yeah, probably not a very flattering portrait of law enforcement in Texas. But hey, the girl is cute!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Military "Brats" grow up fast

This is a great article about the effect the deployments and constant moves have on the children of the military members. I know that my deployments affected my children, but I believe that in the long run it made them stronger and more self-sufficient.

Interesting article, read it when you get a chance.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

This is News?

Is this freakin' sad or what? This is what passes for news these day? The First Lady wears shorts on vacation to the Grand Canyon, and the press is all aflutter.

Gimme a break! It is no wonder the MSM (Main Stream Media) is going down the tubes...

Sad, just sad.

Army Seeks to Mentally Toughen Troops

I read this article several times, and still wonder about its effectiveness. I am glad to see the Army is going to try and provide coping skills to soldiers who are depressed, angry etc and I really hope it does some good because our soldiers deserve the best.

But I wonder what truly is too blame for the problem? How about the fact that we are STILL in Iraq after six years, two years longer than we were in WWII? Or the fact that the troops are subjected to numerous extended deployments, short rest periods, and fighting an enemy that can not be seen which can wear even the toughest person down?

Yes, the troops that were in WWII had it tough as well, with constant battle and little downtime. However, there is a mental difference when you know you have been attacked (as the US was) and the need to beat the enemy before they kill you and more importantly, yours.

Let's face it: Iraq (as opposed to Afghanistan) was never a threat to US safety, so it is hard to deal with the crap our soldiers have to deal with on a daily basis when there is no "threat" to your family to justify the bullsh*t.

Just my two pennies worth...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Gotta Love This Headline

Man carries assault rifle to Obama protest-and its LEGAL (emphasis mine.)

Wow, a person exercises their constitutional rights, and it's huge news! Yes, you are entitled to carry a weapon openly in numerous states, including good old Michigan!

Thank goodness there are people willing to do this to prove a point. I doubt I would ever carry a weapon openly because I do not believe most police officers know I am legally allowed to do it, and I would not want to get shot by some trigger-happy (and many cops have good reason to be) police officer.

Anyway, good for him. And I love the emphasis on "assault rifle," since I don't think most liberal reporters would know the difference between an "assault rife (able to fire on full auto which is illegal to own by the way) and a semi-automatic (one trigger pull, one bullet) which is perfectly legal and is what most hunting rifles are.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Girl fined for selling lemonade

Wow, this poor aspiring entrepreneur was fined $50 for selling lemonade without a permit! The petty bureaucrats must have been Obama supporters! Tax and fine everyone! Stop free enterprise! No one can make a profit! (j/k)

I am sure the fine upstanding enforcers (it took three of them to subdue this 10 year old criminal) of all that is good in NYC were just doing their job...

I am not sure if the public servants are any different than the military (I am guessing they are) but I would not have the balls to go back to work and tell how I smacked around a 10 year old girl and put her in her place. I would be heckled to death, and rightly so!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Potbellies are "in"

Cool! I have said for years that "thin is not in" and "fat is where it is at" and now it seems the rest of the country agrees!

No more gym, no more running for me!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


As America approaches Woodstock's (1969) 40th anniversary, it is amusing to see how the event is viewed. My favorite line of the story "... his mother paid for..." so his lazy drug addicted butt could go party for a few more days. Thank God his mother figured out how to hold a job to pay for all of it!

My thoughts on the whole thing: gosh, thanks hippie 60's culture that led to a drug epidemic of epic proportions in this country, the break up of American society into two distinctly different camps, and the concern that the country was disintegrating by enough of people that they would vote, not once, but twice for Richard Nixon.

Thanks, hippies!

Michigan Prison may receive Gitmo prisoners

Well, I guess this is good news for Michigan. At least it will save a few jobs

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ted Nugent Defending the 2nd Amendment

I received this video from my brother-in-law. I am not sure how old it is, but it is great explanation of our 2nd Amendment rights, and exemplifies my feelings about most violent criminals in our society.

Hope you like it

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Pirates charging for expenses

Man, is this a great gig or what? Not only do Somalia pirates get paid a ransom when they kidnap a ship, but they get to charge for expenses (whatever that is) as well!

I can not decide whether to laugh or cry over this story!

Monday, August 10, 2009

The White House: The New Gestapo?

Have you been following the request from the Obama White House to send any "fishy" information, INCLUDING EMAILS (emphasis mine) critical of the health care reform to So, let me get this straight. If I disagree with the health care reform bill, and list my reasons in an email to my neighbor, they should forward this to Obama?

Critics are stating that this is the exact same thing the Nixon administration did when it kept its "enemies list." The White House has stated that they are only collecting the information so they can provide data to counter the argument and will not keep a record of the names.

Here is one problem: The Privacy Act of 1974 (passed after the Nixon list came out) forbids any government agency from collecting information on a person who is exercising their First Amendment right to free speech. Here is another problem: the government is required to keep any correspondence it receives.

So collecting the information is illegal, and deleting the information is illegal.

I have stated in numerous postings that this administration is starting to scare me...

p.s. running the servers required to store the information costs money!!!! So I have to PAY to have the White House spy on me!

Friggin' nice, huh?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Lawmakers Receiving Death Threats

Hey, I dislike our current crop of politicians as much as the next person, but this is going to far. A North Carolina Congressman has received a death threat as a result of his open support of health care reform. That is way too extreme. The founders of this country developed a much smarter and safer way of changing the political course of this country; the vote.

Like I saw on a sign of protest earlier: You can't fix stupid, but you can vote it out of office.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Inmate hides gun in his fat

Yeah, how would you like to be the cop responsible for searching this dude? He hid a 9mm handgun and two magazines full of ammo on his 600lb fat a*s! The cops did not catch it for a day or so, and the bad guy only said something just before he had to go to the showers.

Can you imagine the new procedures at the police academy? "Do you have any weapons on you?" Please lift up your big fat stomach and prove it."

That should constitute hazardous duty pay for the poor guy responsible for THAT job!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Our Education System is Working!

A product of a California public education, no doubt!

The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Round 2

As Congress heads out for its month long recess, members are being routinely booed, yelled at, etc as they meet with their constituents. The Obama White House is stating for the record that the anger has been mostly "manufactured" by conservative groups.

Oh come on, now Obama. Do you really think the anger most of us feel toward you and our other "leaders" has to be "manufactured?" Trust me on this one homey, people of this country are pissed off at you and the rest of the Washington crowd and it ain't make believe.

If you really feel this way, it goes to show how out of touch you are with the citizens of this country.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

New Look

Yeah, I changed the look of the blog. What do you think?

Grieving Mom Fined

I like Great Britain, they make great shows like Top Gear, Kitchen Nightmares, etc but you have to wonder sometimes at the mentality of their officials. This mother was fined for spending too long at the casket grieving for her child who died from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Yeah, I know two stories in two days about some weird rules in the U.K. might seem like I am picking on England, but both were just way too bizarre for me to not make a comment.

Ford vs. GM

Nope, it is not a comparison of various models, horsepower, top speed etc. Instead it is a question of how likely are you to buy X vehicle?

46% of the people surveyed said they would buy a Ford over a GM because they did not take a bailout.

Good news for Ford, bad news for GM

Monday, August 3, 2009

"Sin Bins" in the UK

Wow, this should scare everyone. The UK wants to put parents under 24 hour CCTV (Closed Circuit TV)to make sure their children go to school, to bed, and eat right! In addition, "private security guards will be sent around to carry out home checks!" Granted, most of the families that are in this situation are there for a reason, but come on, where does it stop?

Big Brother would be so proud!

Oh, and by the way it is only costing the taxpayers of Britain a potential total of 400 million pounds! I don't know what that is in US dollars, but 400 million of anything is an obscene amount.

Scary, just scary!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Cool blog I am now following

If you get a chance, check out this blog: It is called LAID (Legally Armed In Detroit.) Lots of good info on your RIGHT to defend yourself and the Second Amendment.