Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Toyota Seeking Bailout

I am not a Japanese car basher by any means, so I do not take delight in this story. Toyota employs a lot of American workers, so their financial woes affect the US as well. But Toyota's problems may quell the critics in this country who are stating that the only reason the Detroit 3 need a bailout is because they can not produce a car people want to buy, and point to the Japanese automakers as proof that all Detroit needs to do is cut labor, eliminate product lines, etc and they would be fine. Read the article here: Toyota Seeking Government Bailout in Japan


Anonymous said...

This is a great find. It should be front page news. Sadly the US media seems to be anti domestic auto manufacturing, and I'm sure this story will slip through the cracks between Ben Affleck's gambling problem, and what Jennifer Aniston is saying about Angelina Jolie.

Anonymous said...

That's usaully how it goes. One step forward one back to the point where you're behind where you started. I looked at my bank account balance today and I am going to aske Toyota for a bailout!!! That's who really needs it, not some snob CEO's.

Bob said...

Yeah, I agree. I would like to see this on CNN's front page...

I looked at my bank account, and I KNOW I need a bailout!

Anonymous said...

I want to start alling htme the big 3 again. Their big and they are the first three car makers out there. Toyota didn't even become a company until 1995. 13 years??? That's not big to me. Try over 100 and proud of it.