Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Illegal Immigration

If you want to know what is screwed up with this country, check out the story on the Arizona rancher being sued by illegals.

I am trying to figure out just what he did wrong.

Let's see; they trespassed on his property, he held them until he could turn them over to the proper authorities (which he did), and what is third point, oh yeah, they are ILLEGAL. He has stopped over 12,000 illegals (turning them over to the border patrol) since 1998 so I firmly believe this is nothing more then a publicity stunt by MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund) and should be treated as such. But unfortunately, exploiting this politically sensitive issue will (hopefully) undoubtedly backfire on them for the reasons I listed above but this poor man will have to go through hell until the case is resolved.

In case you are wondering, I am not a rabid anti-immigration person. I firmly believe in LEGAL immigration. We all came to America (whether willingly or unwillingly) including the American Indian (who transited from Asia over the land bridge during the last ice age) from somewhere else, and I think our nation is stronger because of it. I am not to the first to state that our differences make our nation unique among all other nations and I would hate to lose that uniqueness.

But suing American CITIZENS on behalf of ILLEGALS to bring immigration issues to light is just freakin' wrong.


Gerald said...

When is this freakin country going to wake up before its to late. Theres no way a US judge should even entertain that. Illegals the key word no rights in USA.

Bob said...


Bob K. said...

We need to go back to the old west, when they could shoot trespassers.

Anonymous said...

or the old east