Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hard to feel sorry for some people

Yeah, I know this sounds bad, but it is hard for me to give a "you know what" when a guy who just signed a contract for $2 mil tells the world he is almost broke Scott Eyre is the latest ballplayer to admit he's almost broke

Because he is a professional athlete, and his problem is due to the ongoing Stanford Ponzi scheme, I am going to state for the record that this guy can call the bank and get a break on his bills.

I am in complete disagreement with the writer of the article. I don't know, maybe I should care, but with lots of hard working people who have lost everything due to no fault of their own, I just have a hard time mustering up the energy to care about a bunch of spoiled rotten, greedy millionaires who are having a hard time for the next several days until their issues get resolved, especially when there are people who may NEVER recover financially from their set backs.


Anonymous said...

If I had a dollar for every time they said that...

Anonymous said...

when i saw this it made me say o"h borther"

Bob said...

Amen to both comments!

NojobTara said...

I have to agree with Bob... Makes me want to go wahhh... Poor baby only makes 2 mil a year?