Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Granholm's State of the State Address

I like it: Granholm proposes "green" initiatives.

If we don't do something to wean our state off its dependence on the Big Three, we are doomed to continue the downward spiral. The engineers, etc graduating from U of M, MSU, WSU, etc need an industry with a future or they will "vote with their feet" and leave the state and we don't need the brain drain.

Plus, as a former actor (read "extra) on the TV show "Jag" (the episode was named "Tiger, Tiger" look for the back of my head [twice] in the opening scene) I think it would be way cool to shoot some movies right here in our back yard...


Anonymous said...

Are you as nice looking as Richard Gere?

Anonymous said...

that would be cool