Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tea Party Protest

Have any of you been reading about the Tea Party protests going on throughout the country? They do not get much coverage from the MSM (Main Stream Media i.e. CNN, ABC etc) so you have do do a little digging. Basically it is grass-roots movement protesting the current state of our political system, specifically around taxes.

They are continually staging rallies around the country, and are aiming for massive ones on April 15th. Instapundit is one of my favorite blogs, and there are quite a number of entries about the protests on this page . Scroll down and read some of the comments and links to other entries as well as checking out the signs some of the people are carrying. My two favorites are the people holding up the signs which say "you can't fix stupid, but you can vote it out," and "don't spread my wealth, spread my work ethic." Perfect.

I am starting to like the idea more and more of a massive anti-tax revolt, especially after filing my taxes this year. In addition to the $6 gazillion I have already paid, I have to send a check to the federal government for even more money. This despite doing everything I could do to reduce my taxable income. For those of you who think "well, I am getting a return this year so I am ok" I offer two suggestions: 1) Look at how much you still PAID, and 2) guess what happens when your little tax-deductions grow up and move out...

Send me my fair share of this bull sh*t bailout, and let me decide what to do with MY money! If they really want to get the economy rolling again, give the money directly to the consumers (who are the ones who EARNED it after all) and not to a corporation who screwed up in the first place.

If anyone in Michigan is interested, the Tea Party web site is Fresh Tea Daily and, this is the web site to find out your local party's web site Nationwide Tax Day Tea Party

And if any of you are wondering, I am not a member of any right-wing neo-con organization (those groups scare me almost as much as the left wing nut jobs) just a concerned American exercising his constitutional rights...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just like when we did it against the UK.