Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I absolutely LOVE this Senator's thoughts about AIG: Iowa Senator says AIG executives should resign or commit sucide

Yep, either one of them would be fine by me, especially after the bonus B.S. that has been in the news. If there is any doubt we are moving away from a capitalism-orientated society to a socialist/communist one, this should remove all doubt. When you start using MY (taxpayer) money to prop up a failing business, and then that business is allowed to squander (my) money with no repercussions, we are one step away from the Russian economy of the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

And I am giving a pass to the Detroit 3 for the current time for two reasons: One, from the start the money was considered a LOAN, and two, (after the private jet fiasco) the big dogs are agreeing to pay cuts, bonus cuts, etc until their companies become profitable again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They should switch jobs with the working folks who are losing there jobs and see how good it is to take a bonus. Boo.