Thursday, March 19, 2009


It is always interesting to compare strikes in Europe (especially France) with strikes in the U.S. In the U.S. the strikes are almost always about money in some form or fashion. In France, the strike is usually used as political tool to try and force policy change. I can not see the UAW (or any other union) going on a nation-wide strike to protest the cost of milk, or something like that...

I am not sure why the difference exists. I know most unions are pro-Democrat for some reason I can not fathom (NAFTA was signed into law by a Democrat btw) but they don't call for a nation-wide strike to protest a Republican president's policy decisions. Maybe it is the ability to contribute campaign dollars to the candidate of your choice which gives all of us the "freedom" to feel we can have an impact on our elected officials, or maybe it is the fact that most of us are greedy capitalists who only care about money...

Read about the latest strike here France hit by new wave of nationwide strikes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's why when we changed the name to "freedom fries" it didn't stick and we went back to French Fries. Sometimes they get it right.