Wednesday, March 25, 2009

AIG Executive resigns

An AIG executive resigned on the NY Times op-ed page. He has donated his entire bonus to charity. My two thoughts about this are:

1) do you think he would have resigned had he (as an AIG executive) not received as much bad press about the bonus (because he sure did not when he received so much negativity about what a horrible job he did to get the company in that bad of shape in the first place) and

2) I am glad he gave the money to SOMEBODY, but he still did not "get it." He felt he did a good enough job to receive the bonus in the first place, and only gave it up after getting beat up in the news.

I used to want to be a weather forecaster, since that was the only job you could be totally wrong at the majority of the time and still keep your position, but now I want to be a crappy executive for a horribly managed company. You can be wrong and still get a heck of a bonus!



Anonymous said...

sounds like it's the same way at aig as it is in the uk. those bums. fire them all.

Anonymous said...

can't argue this point. You are spot on today.

Bob said...
