Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years Day

New Years Day. I could not imagine one year ago today that I would finish 2009 and start 2010 in Kandahar, Afghanistan. Who'd thunk it?

As I finish up the holiday season, a few thoughts come to mind. First, I am glad the holidays are over with. Despite every attempt to make the holidays more "homelike" it really only reinforces the fact that you are not at home. Now we can get back to just getting through each day and getting one day closer to coming home and either "turn and burn" and come back for a second year, or look for a position stateside.

Second, I am glad to be working in the field I am working in. It beats the alternative. The economy, despite PBO's (President Barrack Obama) attempt to spend my grand children's inheritance trying to jump start the economy, is SLOWLY showing signs of life. The economy is coming out of recession, but there ain't too many companies hiring. Better to work your scared-to-death employees that much harder then to hire, I guess.

Well, looking back over the last year, and the struggles my family and I went through, I guess the bad outweighs the good, at least for now.

Happy New Year


Tara said...

Happy New Year Bob! As always, I love reading your posts. May 2010 be a better year for us all.

Anonymous said...

Happy 2010. I hope you have a safe year.

Bob said...

Thanks for the well wishes!

Anonymous said...

I cant even believ how many days its been in this year all ready. Boy time flies!!!!!!!!!