Monday, June 29, 2009

(former) PFC Lynndie England

Remember her? She was the face of the Abu Ghraib "torture" scandal. Say what you want about the supposed "torture" she was accused of (posing for a picture with a rope around some guy's neck and pointing at the genitals of another man, yeah sure that is "torture" or what passes for hazing in some fraternities) I think she was a scapegoat for senior personnel.

There is no way that what she was doing was not at the very least condoned by senior military personnel. As far as the article stating that a jury of officers convicted her, I highly doubt that a bunch of officers are going to let another officer take the heat when they can divert the attention to a PFC reservist. It is way too convenient for them. I think at that time the war was going badly for the Bush administration and this was an opportunity to hold "someone" (heaven forbid you can hold the CIA or senior Bush officials) accountable for the screw up.

The article states that she is having a hard time finding a job, she is receiving death threats etc and all because of a picture. I do feel sorry for her but I have a suggestion for Ms. England: Run for public office or become a pop/movie/TV star.

This country has a screwed up history of electing people who do some pretty bad things to public office, and then upon conviction for those same acts, they re-elect the SOBs! Or in the case of our "stars" you can be convicted for drug use, assault, etc and you will end on some reality TV show making comments about other dumb criminals and getting paid quite handsomely for it!

I hope her book sell a million copies

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