Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wal-Mart Trampling Death

Remember this story from Black Friday? In case you forgot, or never heard, a bunch of nut job shoppers trampled a Wal-Mart employee to death in the interest of saving a few bucks on the slave-labor-made junk Wal-Mart sells. Well, I guess Wal-Mart is going to pay $2M to avoid charges in the death probe.

However, the vast majority of the money is not going to the family of the man who was killed. Oh, no, instead they are going to give $1.2M to some local youth board that helps with job training and education, $300K to the local United Way, and oh, yeah, $400,000 for a "victim's compensation fund." But that fund is for anyone who was hurt in some form or fashion during the melee, not just the guy who was trampled.

Read the story, the DA could not be more pleased with herself. Funny, she did not put forth nearly the same amount of energy to find those individuals responsible for the actual death, even though they have surveillance tapes. Hmm, I guess it easier to go after a big corporation as opposed to possible voters...

1 comment:

Penny said...

So, was the family awarded $100,000? The article didn't mention the victim's loved ones or how Wal-mart will help them financially. I wonder if Wal-mart took it upon themselves to send the family to counseling and pay for the victim's funeral?