Friday, May 22, 2009

California Schools

Hey, California is bankrupt (almost anyway) they can not balance their budget, their school system is consistently ranked in the bottom of the 50 states in areas like reading, writing, arithmetic (you know, what you are SUPPOSED to learn in school) and instead they are focusing on teaching students as young as kindergarten about the gay lifestyle.

Now, I have absolutely nothing against a person's sexual orientation, but I do have something against wasting the taxpayer's money teaching issues that are a parent's responsibility.

As I read more about about how screwed up the California school system is, I no longer wonder why the lawmakers can not balance their budget. They were never taught simple math!

Go back to the basics, California, and teach the children the necessary skills to compete in the global marketplace!


Penny said...
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Penny said...

Subjects such as religion and sexual orientation should not be taught by strangers, but the parents. How many children age 5 know the definition of "fag" or even four-letter words? They should be taught these words are inappropriate. Instead they are being taught not to say these words because they may hurt someone's feelings.