Thursday, May 7, 2009

Same Sex Marriage

I see Maine has become the 5th state to allow same-sex marriage. You know, with all of the crap (Iraq, the economy, pirates, corporate greed and public malfeasance, etc, etc) going on in the world I just don't care who marries whom.

I know, as one who leans more to the conservative side, I should care since most conservatives feel marriage should be between a man and a woman, but somehow it just doesn't mean jack to me.

Oh, well, I guess I shall have to get worked up over things like the gazillion dollar debt my children and grandchildren will inherit, sports figures getting paid millions of dollars, but using illegal substances to generate the kind of stats (oh, wait, the article says he may have used that for Erectile Dysfunction [yeah, right] that influence owners into paying those high salaries...

1 comment:

Penny said...

You live your life and I will live mine.