Friday, February 27, 2009

A Friend's Blog

If you get a chance, check out a friend of mine's blog. Like me, she is a member of FATSE (Former ATS Employee.) I can honestly say that she, along with another friend of mine, Karen, are two of the reasons I was reasonably successful at starting up the number of sites I did at my former job.

Check it out, it is worth a read. Plus, the title of the blog is kinda funny: NojobTara


Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing that one on. it was a good read to see her come from 16 to 41 so well. not averyone can say taht in this day and age. very commandable!!

NojobTara said...

Thanks for the comments. I think Bob gives me way too much credit. He was a great guy to work with (and his lovely wife :)) and would have been happy to work for him. Always took great care of his employees and worked his butt off to get the job done. That's what attributed to his success. FATSE??? ROFL. I love it.

Bob said...

You are right, Anonymous. She really beat the odds.

Anonymous said...

Chris sent me the link to your blog. Then I found Tara on here thanks to you! Add me to the FATSE group :) Erin in MI

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing Tara's website.

Anonymous said...

I could read these blojs all day long. I keep hitting next blog so i can know what going on in this world and read what's up. I would have gotten to nojobtara soon enought, but thanks for getting me there sooner. There are hundreds of blgojs out to read and only so many hours.

Bob said...

Thanks for reading everyone! And Erin, I will add you to the FATSE group!