Wednesday, February 18, 2009

California's crisis

I have been following the budget crisis in California with some morbid interest. It does "help" to see that Michigan isn't the only state suffering during these times. The first thought I had when reading the CNN story California can't solve budget crisis about the 10,000 plus employees that will be laid off is: Why aren't the lawmakers who can not seem to EVER solve this issue among the 10,000?

I read with bemusement how the legislators brought blankets and toothbrushes and "planned to stay as long as it took to pass a budget" but yet were unable to do so. In most of the country, the inability to do WHAT YOU ARE PAID TO DO will get you fired, but in politics it is business as usual.

Fire them, and replace them with people who will do the job they are getting paid to do. We need to quit accepting sub-standard performance as the "norm," and quit saying "oh, well, that is politics."

It is not politics, it is people's lives that are affected. And I am not just talking about the employees being laid off, I am talking about the citizens who are supposed to receive the service that was provided by the laid off employees. Do you think California (or any state political body for that matter) will refund the difference back to its citizens? If you or I go to a place of business, pay for a service and don't receive it, we demand our money back.

Lets start demanding our money back for sub-standard performance. Remember, it is OUR money, not the government's regardless of what they tell you.

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