Monday, January 26, 2009

Who cares?

I was watching tv with friends yesterday, and it seemed like every commercial had something to do with SAG (Screen Actor's Guild) awards. Specifically, what the actresses were wearing on the "red carpet." Here is an example: SAGs Red Carpet sees Michelle Obama effect I don't know what that dress or any other one the actresses were wearing cost, nor do I really want to know.

All I thought was: Who cares? The economy is tanking: Job Cuts and CAT says to cut 20,000 jobs plus four more soldiers die in Iraq. (Mission accomplished my a*s.) And the only thing the media thinks "we" care about is what some overpaid celebrity is wearing. Pitiful. No wonder bin Laden thought he could attack us (again) and we would be too preoccupied with stupid b.s. to respond.

Hey Hollyweird: want to really make a statement? Wear something old, and give the money you would have spent on the dress to a soup kitchen.

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