Tuesday, January 20, 2009


George W. Bush may have not have been perfect, but William Kristol of the NY Times has a unique look at Mr. Bush's last eight years. It is worth reading: The Next War President

Thanks Mr Bush for the past eight years. You made some major mistakes (the reasons behind the Iraq war is the most obvious) but I will say you faced some of the toughest challenges during your presidency. The US suffered an attack on our soil for only second time since the war of 1812, and we had one of the largest, if not the largest, natural disasters this country has ever faced (Katrina.) Yes, there were screw ups during both operations, and the press really emphasized the mistakes, but it is easy to second guess decisions from the sidelines. I predict that in the coming months we will see more articles like Mr. Kristol's about what Bush did right as the press backs off their feeding frenzy and take an objective look at the past eight years.

Good luck Mr Bush.

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