Wednesday, January 14, 2009

want vs need

A friend recently mentioned that his wife constantly asks him: is that a want or a need?

With the recent economic news stocks plunge on banks, retail sales as well as the latest unemployment figures, I thought I might be looking for a job for quite some time. So I thought about ways to save money. One thing that came to mind was my cable bill. I had already reduced it some by changing packages, but I thought: Do I really NEED ('cause I sure don't WANT) to pay such a ridiculous amount for the 20 or so channels I watch? Do I really NEED cable? There are people advocating getting rid of cable How to cancel cable/satellite without being miserable and Get rid of cable, watch your fave shows on the net are two interesting articles that have merit.

They both suggest watching your shows either over the air, via the Internet, or using Netflix, etc which makes your TV watching either free, or significantly less. I have watched tv episodes via the Internet when I missed them and had forgotten to hit the record button. It was nice, but I can not envision my family huddled around my 17' monitor watching tv. It would be too much like the 1950s, and would be fun for about 32 seconds, and after that we would all be looking for our "space..."

Besides, I may not WANT to pay my cable bill, but I NEED to watch the Red Wings and Tigers and they don't broadcast the games over the air, or on the Internet. Maybe I could get rid of my last child who still lives at home. That might save me enough money (showers, food, etc) to upgrade my cable package...

1 comment:

Jen said...

HaHa! Nice one. You wouldn't stand for all of us to stand around the computer we would be pushing to see the screen. And you don't need to watch the games. Didn't people used to listen to them on the radio? But the tv is nice don't get me wrong but just saying.