Tuesday, January 20, 2009


So, we finally have our new President. I wish him luck. I will be watching how the press reacts in the next few months. Up to this point, it has pretty much been a love fest, and I am curious to see if that will continue. He has been already been compared to Lincoln, and it seems that he is viewed as the second coming of Jesus by his followers, and yet he had not even taken office! (and it ain't just me who feels this way, check out Hey America, Take a Chill Pill.) Cults scare me, and the cult of Obama is no different. Hopefully the press will do what they claim is their "job," asking the tough questions and not accepting the pat answer but do some investigating. It will be interesting.

But I do like the make up of his cabinet. He did the right thing and recruited a bunch of very smart, very seasoned (something Bill Clinton did not do at the onset of his presidency) people to surround himself with.

Good Luck Mr. Obama

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