Wednesday, September 9, 2009


It never ceases to amaze me. Paid professional liars (actors and actresses {you don't think Sly is really Rambo, do you?} stick their nose in an area they really don't know jack sh*t about, and their incredibly stupid opinion is given front page news!

Now we hear Charlie Sheen (is he still acting, or has he spent all his money on crack and whores?) claims 911 is a great big cover up, and the evil George Bush was behind the whole thing! As dumb as this sounds when it comes from well meaning people, it sounds even dumber coming out of a two-bit actor like Sheen. But the best part of the story? He wants to meet with Obama (who he supported for President (what a shock, I know) and discuss his bull sh*t theory with him! Oh, please meet with Sheen! I can not wait to see the two of you on the nightly news!

As far as Sheen claiming the Bush White House was behind it all, and Usama Bin Laden is working for the US government? Umm, look at recent history, dumb ass. It was UBL who blew up two American embassies in Africa while "I can't have sex with my man-wife Hillary so I gotta bang a 22 year old intern" President Clinton was in office, and who, by the way (with the exception of launching a couple of Tomahawk cruise missiles) did not do anything.

Which led to the USS Cole bombing, after which Clinton did, you guessed it, nothing (the bad guys who planned the Cole bombing were killed by the CIA during the BUSH administration.) So bin Laden figures, what the heck, the US won't do a thing to defend themselves so why not take out the twin towers (for a second time, 'cause in case you forgot, he tried to blow them up early in the (yep) Clinton administration who proceeded to do, NOTHING!

Yeah, it all George Bush's fault, Sheen.

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