Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Influences on my liife

I had another post in mind to write, but this one popped up suddenly. I have lived a very transient life, both professionally and personally. Moving every three years or so, and getting a new job in the process does not make for lasting relationships.

Because of this life style, I have two choices to make in regards to acquaintances: 1) keep them at arm's length, be civil and polite, but never really get to know them because, lets face it, I (or they) am/are leaving, or 2) get to really know them in a very short, intense time, because, lets face it, I (or they) am/are leaving.

As I look back on my unique lifestyle, I think about the conversations I have had with people who in other circumstances, I would have taken years to talk about some of the topics we spoke about. I am not the first to notice that in an intense, aggressive operational mode you sometimes get to know people better than you would your brother (or sister.)

I am somewhat envious of people who have had the same friends over 20 or 30 years, while most of mine have moved on to other areas of the globe. However, I would say that I value their contributions to my life no less, and because we only had a short time together, maybe value their friendship even more. They also had the same two choices in regards to me and chose to become friends. It is easy to take for granted your friends and family when you think you have years left with them.

I have a friend, and I am proud to call her a friend, who worked with me for about three months and is moving on. In that short space of time, we had numerous conversations about family, career, politics and just general bs. She helped me laugh and I hope I helped her laugh during some pretty lengthy days. I know a little bit about her family, and she knows a little bit about mine. I highly doubt we will ever run into one another (although we do have a bet on it) but I will remember the time we shared and the influence she had on my life.

Good luck, M